Top Gun Pilots Multiple Encounters With Advanced UFOs

2 min readSep 8, 2022

Freak Out!

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (movie poster)

The evidence and sources have been well reported. This article is a brief impression from what I watched and read.

Up to sixty Top Gun pilots have reported sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) that manoeuvre at speeds at least one hundred years beyond the Earths current known best technology. Speculation suggests that these UAP are powered by gravity drives.

A branch of the US government has conceded the possibility that these craft are of off-world origin. But it’s not Blade Runner. This has really happened. NASA has now been funded to install state-of-the-art sensors in locations of previous sightings of UAP in hopes that more of these peculiar craft will pass through. This time we will obtain high-resolution evidence instead of the simple recordings captured on the fighter jets equipment.

What do these unfathomably advanced vessels look like? Multiple Top Gun pilots on training exercises reported seeing UAP as grey cubes contained within transparent spheres, and that on occasion, squads of them were witnessed flying in formation. In one incident a US fighter pilot apparently almost collided with one of the UAP.

Of all the reports the most compelling goes to a Top Gun commanders experience back in 2004. Sent out with a wing jet…




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